Pink Splash

A very beautiful day and my throat was feeling a lot better.
However, the day turned out far busier than I could have imagined.

It started with two emails from the Viking, and an urgent text message that he wanted to talk to me.  We are using AW's phone because I refuse to have Internet on mine (one mobile with Internet is sufficient as I hardly ever use mine), and AW did not bring it with him when he worked in the garden, or just sat down in the shade, and it's not my habit to fidget with it either because it isn't mine.

When he finally got through, some rather shocking news that wasn't all that shocking at the same time -- our dear judge has most likely been bought, by Jay, of course.  Oh, not directly, that would be too obvious, but through the law firm he first hired.  The Viking found out when he finally sent a mediator to ask the judge why certain decisions already made in the past were unexpectedly reversed, and why things were being delayed.  Suddenly, the district court, on the judge's instructions, scheduled two lightning hearings, one tomorrow and one next week, to hear my case.  This irritated the Viking because he already had other official appointments that could not be cancelled, and it appalled me, too, because I hadn't been able to prepare by having a lie in or napping in the afternoon.  To cut this all short -- we are both not attending.  The Viking will submit a Motion to Cancel for those two extra dates, and I will simply not show up if my counsel can't show up.  But now we know that the judge suddenly wants to hurry the case, most likely in anticipation of a follow-up payment if things go well for Jay, and get my adverse claim lifted so that he can sell all the properties he wants and his ilk can all gorge on the money.  They want to get rid of me as quickly as they can so that it will save him having to pay more bribe money, and after dumping some unwanted fixed asset on my lap, and they hope I snap up the bait, they can go on their merry way.  Whereas we were anxious before to speed things up, the circumstances call for a drastic change in our approach.  They have now rubbed my hairs the wrong way and woken up my inner big bad wolf, and the Viking is as bloodthirsty as I am.

Of course, the mediator's visit to the judge was not under wraps.  This is 'lawyer protocol'.  The judge now knows that we know, and he also now knows we will have him 'inhibited' = replaced.  I still have a couple of questions for the Viking about this.  He's busy attacking from several angles and waiting for more incriminating info, and he wants to submit the Motion to Inhibit in less than two weeks, so he has appointments all around with everyone who can give him this info.  Most notable is the BIR, or Tax Office, who've already agreed to help him file a case against Jay for fraud.

In between all that, I had some half-hour chats with Mimi, discussing the various angles and coming up with insights.  We usually pass on our ideas to the Viking who will decide if they're useful or not.  Often, they are, and he follows up on them.

The most wondrous thing is -- all that cleared my throat even more quickly, and by evening, I was feeling as good as new.  I got a link to the hearing from the Viking, but we both agreed we'll both do a no-show because we already requested cancellation.  I did end up staying up late, just in case, phone on the ready, but texted him that I was too sleepy to wait too long (03.30 in the night here) but that I was taking the phone with me to bed, something we never do.  Sure enough, around 04.30, I got woken up by the buzz and he updated me again.  Actually, he told the mediator that this was going to be a 'bloody' feud, and is the judge willing to expose himself that much.  I cut in and told him I'm in for it.  NO MORE TIES, NO MORE LIES.  I no longer care about 'their' feelings and I am sick and tired of the whole dirty business.

It is difficult to fight against corruption like this, but I have nothing to lose now, and they sure as hell cannot fight me the usual way.  It will cost Jay dearly but that is truly his problem.  What a mess he has put himself in, and many will go down when he does.

In the meantime... our poppies are thriving under the sun!  AW shows me a new bloom everyday.  Sadly, that flaming beauty of the other day is gone.

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