
By pattons6

Supervising Dad

I had a bad night but a great day. I was up lots last night as I had a bit of a cold and my nose was blocked. I was hoping for a lie in but my brother woke me up by accident.

Once I was up the eating began. I had lots of blueberry porridge, then some mango and milk. Mummy was surprised, as I normally just have my porridge. I then got hungry mid morning, so I had a rusk and some more mango. For lunch I had puréed carrots and squash, a banana baby yogurt and a special baby biscuit. Mid afternoon, I had another rusk and some milk. Then came dinner, more carrot & squash, a mango yogurt, mango purée and a biscuit. Then of course my milk. I have eaten more today than I have the last 2 days, mummy says its a growth spurt, what ever that is.

I am now so good in my walker I chase mummy round the house. Here I am supervising daddy who is changing a light switching the hall. I didn't have the wheels of my walker lined up correctly so I couldn't get out the door but I could see him and shout instructions to him from the door, so job done!

I am in bed early-7pm, I normally don't go to bed until 8pm but I fell asleep on mummy so she out me down in my cot. She is hoping for a good night, I am still thinking about it.

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