Your love is like a shadow on me all of the time…
I love this photo of the Eclipse.
I read all of the instructions about not looking into the Sun so I didn't. I looked at the car park and ended up with a range of abstract-looking photos.
I love a sky-bound phenomenon; Meteor Shower? I'm there, laying in the garden. Eclipse of the moon. Telescope. Aurora Notification -I'm making Si get out of his bed and drive me round and round (normally in the wrong direction.
Clouds +++ Rain Clouds +++ Storm Clouds +++++ Clear Nights A+
Planets Rising Gorgeous.
After I took this photo - and the extra (it properly shows the eclipse) - I ran into the office and showed the girls. They all promptly ran out and looked up .... and into the sun. So everyone was sitting with big white circles.
(I was supposed to be working, but my computer was playing funny buggars and someone else was remoted on to it - that's why I had time to play). Just after I took these I gave up and went home to the computer who works.
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