Life and times of CC & AJ

By Shh

Forever blowing bubbles

To go with his new found live of rolling onto his tummy CC has developed a new skill of raspberry blowing today. So after three dribble drenched t-shirts mummy has fetched out the dribble bibs again! Daddy came with us to baby college today; I'm not really sure what he thought of it all, but he did join in so I think he secretly liked it. CC spent the whole of baby college on his tummy, I think trying to impress the other young ladies present. I don't think he realised that the dribbling may put them off. CC and daddy then had some bonding time whilst mummy went to get her hair cut. Apparently CC now knows John Lewis quite well after spending 2hours with daddy in there looking at food blenders (not that daddy bought one in the end anyway).

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