I had to do my usual frowning at the muppet DJ when we reached auntie Jo's fortieth party as he was committing the mandatory error of playing far too loudly for the small space but had to significantly uprate it several times during the two hours we were there when he emitted several loud staticky buzzes in quick succession, sending the tentatively-dancing-with-cousins wingpiglet scurrying up to my shoulder looking almost as frightened as he'd been a few weeks back when a cat fell off the fence at the back of the garden and had a brief but yowly fight with another cat on top of his shed. One of the basic rules of attempting to identify the source of buzzing noises with amplification equipment is to turn the fecking volume down before trying, but several more full-volume buzzings eventually emptied the floor of even those who could withstand some of the appalling nineties popshite being emitted. Eventually the interval food resulted in a temporary shutdown of all inhuman noises, shortly after which the increasing yawns and eye-rubbings indicated time to go.

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