The Adventures of Emilia

By Emilias_mummy

Baptism day

Today was a very special day, I was christened. It was very short notice and very small but absolutely perfect. Mummy is being a but dramatic but wanted it done before any hospital things next week so she jumped on the moment.

The priest was very nice and I very much enjoyed all the attention and copied what he was doing with crosses on my forehead, ears and chest. Found it a bit strange when he poured water on my head but decided to go with it, and didn't even cry, mainly by then I just wanted my escape.

I already committed my first sin though.. stole a dolly from the church toy box...mummy says she will take it back though so just a temporary black mark against my name!

Then we went back to my friends Patrick, Therese and Dominics house where they had thrown me a party.. there were pink balloons, puppies, lots of yummy food, lots of time on a trampoline and a really amazing cake. Here's a picture of me cutting it with mummy.

I really had a very lovely day and cried most of the way home since I didn't want it to be over.

The only problem with it being so small is that we didn't get many photos, but we will just have to keep it in our minds instead, and when we do a big party later to really celebrate we will make up for it then.

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