In Clover

Who wants a grass lawn anyway.

Our attempt at a wildflower meadow in the front garden is doing well now:

White clover
Red clover
Self heal
Ragged robin
Birds foot trefoil
Meadow vetchling
Cats foot
Daisies (lots)
Sheep fescue grass
Fox and cubs
Other plants I've forgotten.

Not bad for an urban garden though it took a while to establish.  

Last year 

Today is a busy day. June is birthday month in this family and today is my daughter's. In a re-run of Friday when we celebrated the six year old's birthday we're having a family party. Today's, though, is here so I need to get things organised. Cake, bbq, salads, lasagne - that should do the trick.

Happy birthday Lyn and thanks for always asking for an easy cake.

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