As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

Spring Fever

It's about time I blipped the guys.

Today was generally a good day. The beautiful weather definitely had something to do with that. I'm starting to feel the spring fever; I just want to run outside and enjoy the warmth of the sun on my skin before it starts to burn me in a month.

The first three periods of my day are just the adjustment period where I get ready for the day to really start. I really think I'm going to work hard this physics unit and try and bring my average up. Lyric showed me an awesome thing in Graphic Art today; maybe I'll post a picture of it soon. Easy day in APUSH, and a quiet lunch period selling Luck-O' Grams. I'm also trying to bring my math average up...

I went to physics for a little after school before story time at Rube. Practice was pretty fun today. We ran 1200, 800, 400, 800, and 1200 with three minutes rest in between. Pat, Anthony, Gabby, Avery, and I didn't do the last 1200 so we could work on steeple. I need to get over my fear of falling and just jump. I really think that I have the potential to be pretty decent at this, I just need to put the work in.

I went home and showered quickly before tonight's Foreign Language Honor Society induction. Toni and I pretty much talked the entire time, mostly about how she led the entire group of inductees onto the stage the wrong way. It was a messy ceremony, but that's just how Wantagh rolls.

After eating cake and taking a bunch of pictures, I had a nice long conversation with Mr. Brown and Mrs. Hampson about the shortcomings of our school's foreign language program. Nothing is going to change unless people start complaining. At least that's my take on it.

My tutoring got cancelled just as I finished the 15 minute drive to the kids' house, so I decided to take a risk and take the Southern State Parkway and the Wantagh Parkway home. It wasn't bad at all.

Only two more days until the weekend. Not like I have much more free time then.

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