Eva loves sticking her head out of the window on her way home from the stables. Pure joy. Makes her hair all knotty though!!

Scans went ok but no results yet. Had the usual drama trying to find a decent vein to get the canular in, which just made it a bit stressful as obviously I just wanted to get on with it. The Dr eventually found one but had to whip the needle out quickly as my arm started to swell up. Fortunately enough of the dye had gone in for them to still do the scan but I've still got a massive swollen arm. After the CT scan I had my MRI. Managed to stay calm in the tunnel today just practicing deep breathing and drawing on happy memories of holidays, being with my family, being with the horses and pups etc.

Now I just have to put it to the back of my mind.

I love my life so much. I just think how happy I would be if I didn't have all this hanging over me like a massive weight. Makes me feel so tired and sad.

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