Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR


The hot weather continues, although it is cooling down again from Thursday. After her morning walk Xena sleeps for the rest of the day as she is too hot to do anything else.

This morning I had my 1 :1 advisory session with an assessor from the Royal Photographic Society on my possible landscape panel, done via zoom. The genre of landscape has only recently been added to the categories for the ARPS (Associate of the Royal Photographic Society) and I was not even sure that my panel of 15 images was in the right category, as the classification of categories are not easy to understand (well that's what I think). It was the first time anyone has seen my panel of images so I am very much at the beginning of this qualification, and I was not even sure this panel would be satisfactory, so I was pleasantly surprised with the feedback and with some tweaking of the editing and changing a couple of images it seems I have a possible panel to submit. It is a series of landscape images taken in Antarctica, all blues and whites and some a bit moody. So now I have some work to do on the images but at least I know I am on the right track. The assessor is a highly accomplished and published photographer so I felt privileged just to have someone of that skill looking at my images.

I went out in the afternoon to photograph these poppies by the side of the road. There was traffic snaking along the road so I felt a bit embarrassed squatting down and bending over taking these images, I felt sure everyone was staring at me and so some were rushed so I would like to go back again when there is not so much traffic.

I must watch the final of the Great British Photography Challenge   tonight, the winner was announced last night in the final episode which I did not watch, and I managed to avoid reading about it in the news today.

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