Mini mates

A quick phone pic of Nate and Gigi at Caña Club tonight....
An early start with parent/teacher meeting for Asha. Her grades are good and he gave good feedback on her character and how she is in class. 
From there we went to our team meeting...and then for me to have my vaccine! All super organised and calm. I got given the Pfizer one and so far I feel fine other than tired and with an achy arm. 
We brought Asha's friend Cami hone from school for a sleepover as her mom has some things on. All 3 kids were excited to be together and enjoyed Caña Club with the Italian contingent and another if Asha's friends. 

I'm hoping they sleep tonight!!!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Cristian's lovely feedback about Asha. 
2) Getting the vaccine.
3) Lovely messages with various school moms tonight. 

4) Potentially amazing news that Sole may be out of prison!!! We're not sure exactly on what terms yet... we'll find out tomorrow!! 

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