Carnegie Library
Our local library is one of the thousands of libraries world-wide established with donations from the Victorian philanthropist, Andrew Carnegie. He was a strong believer in meritocracy, where knowledge was the route to self-improvement. He provided grants to towns in need of a library on the insistence that free access was given to the all the population.
Carnegie was also influential on the design and layout of modern libraries. He introduced the idea of having the books on open shelves that could be freely browsed, and he located the librarian in the centre. The libraries usually had steps at the entrance to symbolise the elevated position that knowledge could give to its visitors.
Is strange to think that barely a hundred years after this library was built for the improvement of the community, few in the community actually still use it or see it as a crucial part of their lives. Books are so readily available now, if you can afford them, and many of us spend our time now reading electronic screens instead. Nevertheless, I think there is still a role for libraries to play, and I know my sons enjoy coming here to pick out books.
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