Spring River

Indian Head

spring river
granite gushing splash

The water flowing under the small bridge connecting South Hanover to Hanson is at it's maximum spring capacity. It was churning and flowing noisily under the bridge this morning. It looks like spring, but feels like winter today. My feet are still cold from my photo excursion about a half a mile from the house.

Thirty four years ago, my brother, my Swedish friend S and I put in a canoe not too far up river from here, closer to our house in the late spring and paddled through Hanover and Pembroke to the tidal North River. The river was still high, but much calmer, it took the whole day and was something I'll never forget.

From its earliest development Hanover settlements clustered around a
cross road, a river or brook that could be dammed, or a small waterfall. South Hanover had a
narrowing of the Indian Head River which was dammed probably as early as 1720 and several
industries worked on this site through the years. An iron forge was one of the earliest, followed by
an anchor shop,and gristmill. Later bar iron and tacks were made here.

FOCUS ON HISTORY by Barbara Barker
The Village of South Hanover

For the Record,
This day came in cold and cloudy with a gusty wind.

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