Tree trunk down

The huge conifer in the garden was part cut down a few weeks ago, since then N and J have trimmed a few remaining branches but the main trunk has stood there like a massive totem pole. Today was the day to fell it, N was the mastermind behind the planning and cutting, it fell within a couple feet of hope for area, it was stunning. What a crack it made although I missed the actual fall, John caught on a video.

I had a full on morning wearing my CP hat, an afternoon in the garden, sunshine at last and later on a smashing walk with Boomerang, it was breezy and warm, perfect.

The extras show the slicing up, sounds easy doesn’t it, and a shot at the early stage when taking out a chunk to orientate the fall. And by the time we returned from the walk the two workers had cleared the trunk from the driveway, impressive!

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