First day home for a while so catching up with all the usual stuff needing to be done. The journey home last night included 3 road closures & subsequent diversions & a bust coolant pipe - so huge thanks to the wonderful AA man who came quickly & re-plumbed the car so we could get home. Our roadside wait included close up views of lorries hurtling by on the A1, sparkling water & a packet of Revels. 

So as today is as uneventful as most days and not near;y as exciting as the past 2 weeks, here’s a picture of what’s been growing at home. 

In Victorian flower language sweet William symbolizes gallantry. 

Some say the flower was named for William Augustus, duke of Cumberland, who led British forces against the Jacobites at the Battle of Culloden. Others say the name of the flower can be traced to the writings of Thomas Tusser, a 16th-century English poet. 

In Scotland the flower is known as stinking Willie or sour Billy. Other names include; Bearded pink & China carnation. 

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