Do you feel lucky?

My first experience with Kent cider was in the late 60s, when I went dock digging in an orchard near Canterbury. Dig a couple of docks up, have a wee nip of scrumpy. By late afternoon on a hot Sunday the world was going round  and, next day, I couldn't lift my head off the pillow.

By the 70s, Benenden cider was the yardstick to fall over by. Although I met Mrs Oons much later, she was living in Benenden then and knew Bob Luck. She says the description in this article ( is spot on.

And still I'm a cider fan, but it has to be dry.

An antique shop in Nairnshire is not where I expected to find this jug. Mrs Oons said it was too expensive (and it was, too) but when she wasn't looking I negotiated.

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