Ladybird Beetle
I was pleased to see this cutie again today crawling around a pepper plant. One of the sweet ones, not spicy • A busy day outside adding dirt to our potato bags. We’re growing three varieties: Fingerling, Kennebec and Red. I told MrsP we could buy 10x (a random amount I pulled out of thin air) the amount of potatoes with the money we’ve spent on dirt, felt bags and seed potatoes vs. growing our own. Last year we harvested 48 lbs. of potatoes, and we’re hoping to improve that this year • See, we’ve never met a potato we didn’t like, they store well, and get us through the Fall and Winter months. What isn’t included in my comparison is the value of growing your own; the enjoyment of watching them grow, and flower, and eventually die off. That’s when we stop watering, and in two weeks we harvest; harvesting is like digging for treasure, even gold, it’s the anticipation of discovering the rewards of a long summer’s labor. Pure joy! So I guess MrsP is correct, after all. Growing our own potatoes is worth every penny spent, so toss my vague cost analysis right out the window! • What’s your favorite: baked, fried, mashed or boiled?
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