Wastwater screes

Holiday Day 7.
A grey morning and we decided to treat ourselves to a trip on the SY Gondola on Coniston Water.
As we were up early we had a wander round the village and saw the boat steaming up in preparation so headed for the pier. We hadn't booked so wanted to be early to take our chance of getting aboard. A queue grew but no sign of a boat and finally someone appeared and said "sorry, it won't be going as there's a problem getting water into the boiler and we don't know how long it will take to get it fixed". 
So what to do instead? One of our plans was to kayak on Wastwater so that was put into action. The journey was on narrow hllly roads (glad I wasn't driving) and there were several people on the lake when we arrived.
It was a bit drizzly at times and the wind had got up but it was very atmospheric. We headed across to paddle along the base of the screes which was hard work with wind, waves and current, but exhilarating.
Then back via the coastal route after tea and scones in Gosforth, though that journey ended up not quite as planned due to a missed turn!

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