The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Not The Plan

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

The Eldest Mini Princess was a bit glum today. It was officially her last day at school but the school cancelled the plan (yesterday) for the S6’s to go in to collect their yearbooks (and say goodbye) due to concerns about COVID so it was very anti-climactic. Especially after only having 3 weeks of physically being in school this year.

Her group of friends had also booked to go to York for a few days next week but can’t all go now (due to the delay in lifting restrictions).

So many horrendous things have happened in the tidal wave that is this pandemic but the tiny ripples of lost moments also take a toll.

The Mini Princesses have both been brilliant about all the restrictions in the last 15 months. No teenager would ever choose to have spent quite that much time with only their parents for company. There are only so many times that they should have to explain TikTok!


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