What a day. Busy with horses and work all day then after school pick up back to the yard. The horses had a quick spruce up then we drove over to Prestwold to do an escorted ride round the estate to the pub then back again. The boys were beyond excited as we were in a group of about 20. They set groups off at 15 mins intervals so we saw over a hundred horses altogether throughout the evening. I've never ridden Buddy in such a big group before and my arms are a bit longer now!

The ride was brilliant, especially on the way home as we had the most fantastic gallop up a long slope. Buddy was on fine form but little Jack was something else!!. He overtook all of the big horses (most 16hh plus) and was out in front. He absolutely loved it. Then he popped two jumps at the end. Georgia was blown away by how quick he was and everyone in the group was commenting what an awesome pony he is. I was a very proud horsey mum!

We got back to the yard at 8.26pm just in time to meet Mike there to take the phone call from my oncologist with my scan results at 8.30pm. So glad it worked out that way as I didn't have chance to clock watch.

The good news is that the tumour I have in my bowel has shrunk so I can now be considered for surgery. The areas around the lymph nodes have reduced but are still there so I may need more chemo following surgery if they can't be removed (one is in a hard to get to place apparently). So I need to wait for an appointment with the surgeon now.

I feel relieved to have some good news at last although I realise this is only really the first hurdle and I've got a LOT of scary shit to get through over the next few months. But I have to cling to the positives and keep taking one day at a time. One step closer to beating this.

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