Starry Eyed Surprise

By bellerock

Pussy Willows/Pets

I had a lovely lunch with Linley today and afterwards we went into The Ferry to M&S. They had bunches of Pussy Willows.

I shared a childhood memory with Linley. When I was little, before I got my first pet, (a budgie called Cheekie) I used to pick pussy willows off the tree in our garden and keep them as pets in bluebell matchboxes with a sheet of toilet roll, to keep them cosy.

And what did Linley do? She laughed at me!! (and snorted).

She bought me a bunch of pussy willows. I will NOT be picking the willows off the twigs, as I now have 2 mad spaniels and 3 chickens as pets and it wouldn't be fair or responsible to bring any more pets into the household.

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