Dad didn't play golf today...
Saturday, visit Mum. Dad's not normally home. Wet and windy - he was up for a game, but 2 of the partnership of 4 decided to give it a miss. Instead he stayed at home and fixed their broken "chariot" (mobility scooter). No shortage of physical and mental capacity there - I hope I'm the same at 92!
I was taking a photo of ornaments and photos on the book shelf (which Dad built in the 70's). His mother, who died at 92, is the closest one.
Apparently I was the last person to see her alive (about 20 years ago, just after I met my current partner "much more suitable this one!" Phew!). She was incoherent before see died - I held her hand and tried to talking to her to comfort her. The room she was in wasn't bad but it was still not familiar surrounding so I was trying to remind her of things she'd had in her life (not that we were really close) but I remember talking to her about the smell of freshly mown grass and she reacted quite strongly to that. To this day I have no idea if she was thanking me or telling me to "bugger off" (a term she would have easily used). Not that it matters, I know she loved me and I loved her, the best that we could.
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