
Up early for an 8.30 Yoga class, everything hurt so it must be necessary!

Had coffee with lovely Claire afterwards whose girls are at the same school as Zebedee so good to get some tips. She makes bridal fascinators, very creative lady.

I decided to stay at The Lensbury (my health club) and do some writing, I'm working with some Russian Producers, they've sent me the track and melody and so today I wrote the lyric, a tale of Forbidden Love!

I listened to an interview with Boogaloo Stu for my next podcast, really made me laugh! I'll keep most of it.

Then I spent some time listening to the final edit of Tears my new release with The Freemasons. We are shooting some video next Wednesday so I need to make sure I really know every nuance.

Bought some cakes to donate to the yr 5 cake sale and bought some too....

Only 13 days till Melbourne, exciting!

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