Hardy soul
It was yet another dull and grey day with the odd slightly brighter moment. There were a few bees in and around the foxgloves. Strangely the ones at the front of the border looked like they wouldn't come to anything but now have flower stalks. One of the ones at the back is almost as tall as the 1.8 m high fence.
I woke up about 03:00 with a really sore throat this morning and feeling generally off colour, so I postponed Mum and Dad's visit to be on the safe side and had a quiet day doing some art and crochet (see extra). I'm making this for my best friend's son's girlfriend who loves pink! Right now I'm stash busting as I have now figured my favourite, and most therapeutic, hobbies are photography, art, learning my guitar and making blankets (but not anything that needs rows and stitches to be counted as I get interrupted too many times).
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