Learning day by day

By EmmaF

Happy Feet

Idea borrowed directly from My Girl, sorry Karen, I know I should have asked, but I ran out of time. I really hope you don't mind.

W was a bit out of sorts today. Asked for cereal at breakfast and then had a meltdown because he wanted porridge, etc. He chose not to go to the softplay this morning, he wanted to stay at home and colour. So that is what we did until it was swimming time. He was great at swimming, they were doing breaststroke and he did try really hard. The swim teacher got him back in the pool at the end to show me what he could do. Then she said some thing that melted my heart "He is so cute, he just radiates happiness." So nice to hear as sometimes I think he gets passed over sometimes as he is hidden in his sisters shadow.

Bearamy went back to Music Train, thankfully. Then we headed to school pick up and got ready for ballet. Some how we were ready in great time, probably because W actually undressed and redressed himself! So I had time for a photo, which is rare in the rush from school to ballet. I had seen Karen's shot and wanted something similar to record both of my little ones doing ballet, because to be fair W will possibly only do it for another year. Hopefully longer, but once he starts school and peer pressure kicks in, well who knows?

W nearly feel asleep on the way home. I am hoping his behaviour today is down to tiredness and not brewing something. Bedtime went smoothly and so far no wakings. Fingers crossed we have had our distrubances this week and we are heading back towards the sleeping through type of nights.

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