
By Beewriter

Solstice Swim

It was a double....well actually a triple dip day! I started the day with a swim at the Quays where we did a mile. I have a pre swim breakfast of tea and toast and then when I get home I have post swim breakfast of tea and toast. I walked down to Pat's in the afternoon and then we both walked round to see Ellen. I just chilled for the rest of the afternoon until Victoria picked me up ay 8pm and we headed off to Boundary Water Park for the Solstice Swim.

There was an event running alongside as swimmers were 'Swimming the Channel up North'. They did a mile on the hour every hour. When we left just after midnight they were still going strong. Some were swimming solo and some were doing it as part of a relay team. I asked Karen if she could organise one for us next year. I can't do a mile on the hour every hour as I'd not get much of a break between swims...I'm trying to think of something that is half the distance of the Channel that we could do instead.

Anyway, the Solstice swimmers donned glow sticks, and in the case of Victoria, Alexandra, Christine and I, fairy lights and glitter!, then we set off in the lake. The moon was out, the water was twenty degrees and it was glorious. The midges were out, there were a few weeds and bats zoomed across our path, but I loved every second. We had taken a picnic, so we did a swim as the light was going then we got out and had a little snackette before going in again in the blackness. The water was inky and it was beautiful. 

We dressed then sat and chilled by the lake until after midnight when we left the endurance swimmers to their challenge. It was a great evening.

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