
By SnaphappySally

My Father in his Day

I think this was taken about the time I was born. My father and mother were 25 and 24 repectively, so young! Cant imagine my 26 year old son and his 24 year old girlfriend wanting to be parents yet!

However my parents met fell in love and were unofficially engaged in a month, officially engaged in 4 months and married within the year. My father wrote in his memoirs....
" Up to then I had planned a bachelor life but when I met this 5ft outgoing bundle of fun, I was completely knocked off my pedestal. She was quite plump and very lovely in my eyes, and the complete opposite character to myself! "

An appendix to his memoirs , written in 2008, 6 years before he died,lists his best- and worst- foibles as he calls them. The OH and I laughed at how similar and not at all similar I am to my dad.
here are some.... 
1/ I am fiercely independent and I will work at a job without seeking help. Tick
2/ If I am asked to do something I will do it- I am dependable and it will get done. Tick
3/ I am tidy at home and in my office. I hate slovenliness. Tick
4/ I like quirky humour- eg the Goons but I am generally not a humorous person and I do not like most modern comedies. Nope
5/ In books and films I like science fiction, adventure and factual based books. Nope
6/ I like modern jazz eg MJQ and Dave Brubeck . Nope

There are others, but some are a little more personal or controversial !

Anyway missing you Dad- thanks for everything you gave me and still continue to give even now xx

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