Bright Light, Dark Room

By ellies


It was a long week with time in Glasgow, Edinburgh and East Kilbride, work, a friend dealing with a very hard time, and family who I've not seen in a long time. Not used to so much in one week nowadays! It was good to get back to the Shire on Friday evening, although it was an early start on Saturday morning to help out with the RDA's version of the Euros. Then a bike ride to Innerleithen. Then back as far as Horsburgh. Then back to Innerleithen. Then up the mtb trails at Innerleithen. Then back to Peebles again. Fortunately, there was a trip to Lulabelle's for coffee and a chocolate orange brownie in amongst it all. The blip is Stuart playing on the pump track at Cardrona. I love that it has a sign basically saying it's for adults as well as kids.

I'm posting this on Sunday and I've done very little today other than make a rhubarb crumble. Back to Edinburgh tomorrow.

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