Goosey goosey ganda ...,

....... where do you wanda !!
This was the lovely scene of the Canadian Geese family. Very entertaining to watch as the occasional dog attempted to go near the little ones, father was on the attack immediately . Both parents were so attentive and weren't satisfied until they were all safely in the pond.
The sun finally showed her face "A" & I walked round the green stopping at the corner tea shop for a cuppa. All so lovely in there too. It's so good to walk feeling I can breath, not quite there yet but well on the way.
We had a great service at church today, the visiting preacher was great entertaining with a structured message .
So we mustn't for get its Fathers Day so, Happy Fathers Day to all those fathers out there celebrating . Not to forget those who are fatherless however the tragedy occurred . Especially the Refugee's , of which there are many, should be remembered on this special day for them too .
Do hope you've all enjoyed your Sunday.

Thoughtful ..... of the continued kindness , love and attention I'm getting . Thank you everyone.

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