Blips n Blops

By Yorkshirebird

Ups and downs

Started the day with a run. Victoria and Laura were good company.

Then a nice father's day breakfast and out to Pocklington for the boys to take the kayak on the canal. Within 20 minutes we had to pick them back up as the thick reeds made it impossible to navigate through.

I had the horrible job of telling Ava that her two best friends - twins - are leaving her school to go to a private school. She was devastated. They are such a close three-some. Their mum doesn't feel they are getting a good enough education at our local comp.

More drama when Joe's friends were unkind to him..arranging to meet him in the village then running away when he got close. He came home upset. I was so angry I wanted to track the boys down and bang their heads together. I didn't of course.

My parents and inlaws came over for tea. I didn't feel like entertaining with two very sad children in the house, but it was fine.

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