A work in progress

This morning the asparagus was covered in raindrops which made the little webs stand out. This one didn't look quite finished but the spider was ready.
Today finally felt like summer, we had our first dinner out in the teahouse with strawberry margaritas!

In honor of the solstice a poem by one of my favorites, Mary Oliver:

Just as the calendar began to say Summer

I went out of the schoolhouse fast
and through the garden to the woods,
and spent all summer forgetting what I'd been taught-

two times two, and diligence and so forth,
how to be modest, and useful and how to succeed and so forth,
machines and oil and plastic and money and so forth.

By fall I had healed somewhat but was summoned back
to the chalky rooms and the desks to sit and remember

the way the river kept rolling it's pebbles,
the way the wild wren sang though they hadn't a penny in the bank,
the way the flowers were dressed in nothing but light.

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