pebble underneath my feet

By anjali

slowly we unfurl as lotus flowers

every now and then I think back to two moments in my life when I was at my happiest: sat on the back of a scooter in Pondicherry with my friend Helene and a couch surfer guy (yes three adults on a little scooter) who had taken us to eat the most amazing kulfi in the middle of the night. It was December but it was warm and the feeling of immense freedom made me feel really, really happy. The other moment is when I first started getting really into yoga and was doing a 1:1 yoga course in Pondicherry. I used to walk around the really hectic city centre, past the chaos at the bus station and enter this haven of meditation, creativity and quietness. I often long for those feelings of happiness and tranquility.

After the most hectic morning (we had the worst supply teacher in the world in school today and I ended up using most of my PPA time to sort her out) I may have found a glimmer of that feeling again this evening.

Good night :)

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