
Headed to town needed items from market and other shops. Cloudy and fresh today. Market quiet, even stallholder wondered where people were. 
Returned home and began to trim overgrown ivy on front wall.  Prompted by a nasty passerby last week who decided to pee in our front garden! OH happened to pull up outside at that moment and gave him a telling off.  Told passing neighbour walking her dog who corroborated this isn't an isolated incident. 
Worked for over an hour.
Hound and I had lunch.  Cleaned fridge crisper drawer then took hound for a walk.  I don't know if it's the air but felt like walking through treacle. 
Returned home for coffee and fortuitously a programme on the divine Joni Mitchell's album Blue.
Cheese and potato omelette with asparagus for dinner. 
Have a great evening and stay safe. 

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