Des res with blue sky

What’s not to like about this place?

When leaving Tobermory I decided to blip this cottage along the way, pulled up purposefully behind a parked car, leapt out like any 70 year can do and snapped away at the cottage. On the way back to the car the couple in the car in front asked if I was about to renovate it? Can’t stop smiling now when thinking about the image conveyed.

I have blipped it before and most likely told the tale when driving along here many years ago John stopped the van to give a villager a lift home, we could see he was looking worse for wear as he slumped in the back of the van. When passing this cottage he told us he used to have tea there with his granny. It’s difficult to work out how many years ago this would be, probably in the forties or fifties? It left me with a feeling of nostalgia for him and sadness to think it is not lived in now, the view over Mishnish Loch is pretty good.

On the walk this afternoon we spotted a hen harrier and heard the chatty sound of stone chats and trying the snap a cobweb is more difficult than I thought.

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