
By momcat1

It's bug week

or fly day maybe. I took the camera with me while I put in some impatiens , but no interesting spiders or bees there. I checked out the milkweed patch hoping for a ladybug or at least a milkweed bug, but only found 3 different flies . This one courtesy of SEEK ( thank you Kim) is a Condylostylus patibulatus. Love the name. Found in the NE US and Canada. It was the more attractive of the 3 ,so it's the main photo. I am only posting two though because the 3rd one , a mucoid fly , was rather unattractive. Very unfair of me to say that , I'm sure, but I have not really been a fan of flies having dealt mostly with your common annoying house flies or biting horse flies. The extra also has a great name , it is a Marsh Snipe fly. I thought it was going to be something evil that bites but apparently it is a hunter and goes after small beetles and earthworms. This one is a female. Introduced somehow from Europe in the 1950's. I have never noticed one before , but then I can't say that I really ever looked till BLIP.

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