The thin pink line
6 hours gardening at G&J's with plenty of jolly banter. Today's topics ranged from being left handed, to "when did I decide I could'nt cut my toe nails any longer". Me being left handed, George a chiropodist visit. 35 bunches of grapes on his vine, which he cannot see as his eyesight is very poor, plants moved, conifers topiaried, (is it word?), lawns mown. Nipped in BT, dropped off the charity bag etc. at Rowcroft, spotted a dress in the Mare & Foal Sanctuary shop window, wrong size. Spent a £1 on a book - Color Mixing Bible. :-)
Back Home- late lunch. Found a poorly pigeon in the garden, it could'nt fly. Reckon the flippin' cat had got to it. Took it up to the allotment, then released in the hedgerow bordering on the field behind. The wing did'nt look damaged do I'm hoping it will recover from it's ordeal. Harvested most of the Rainbow chard crop plus more rhubarb.. did a bit of weeding, then home to make dinner.
Thanks to the Pinkhairedlady for hosting Tiny Tuesday - Pink
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