Open to interpretation

I have missed a couple of weeks of the 2013 challenge, topics chosen by LovePopcorn on our behalf. Been very busy, feeling rather too much has been going on all at once, and lacking inspiration.

But this week appealed. Initially, I thought that because in New Zealand (and quite possibly elsewhere) a corner in the road is known as a bend, I would do a corner of a road. That led me to get sidetracked into looking for interpretations of corner. NO. That was not the correct way to go. It was a corner too far.

I found that Ripitup has already posted a photo of a bend in the road, and had talked about having a feeling of "going around the bend".

That confirmed that my second interpretation was the correct one to take. A second inkblot (see the first one here).

To achieve this challenging example of the special Rhorschach Test to work out how someone thinks (it saves one from needing to talk to the person), I had to put a blob of ink on a piece of paper and then bend it and encourage spread of the ink.

As the creator of this blot, I (of course) make no interpretation. I merely await, so that I can note, the multitude of interpretations viewers may wish to offer. All I will say is that the world is better off without the use of the Rhorschach.

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