NYC Subway ... and Calder

The subway took us  to the Museum of Modern Art, late this morning (I've marked the map for MoMA). There a key stop was an excellent small exhibition of Alexander Calder--just two modest rooms, but wonderful to see even so.  The fabulous mobile in the extra was strategically placed  in a far corner, and it served as a strong anchor. 

 It was not a long visit altogether, but rewarding as always.  We walked quickly through a huge Cezanne Drawings exhibition and then visited the permanent collection to see two old friends - Van Gogh's "Starry Night" and Picasso's "Demoiselles d'Avignon."

Lunch was just two so-so sandwiches in the sculpture courtyard--convenient but far less special :) , although the setting was lovely and included several Calders.  Indoor cafes were closed.

We had an early supper with our good friends Marge and Steve at an excellent Middle Eastern restaurant on the Upper West Side - outside, of course.  It was great to catch up with them after a year and a half!

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