I had such a relaxing time with Val and Ruth in Allendale. We had delicious paninis and coffee at the Allendale Forge Studios http://https://www.allendaleforgestudios.co.uk/
It's a super cafe and lovely shop and studio to browse with some great local artwork. We then had a slow walk round the town, just a few local shops and some really interesting buildings. The museum of classic science is on one of the side streets. It has lots of interesting exhibits for Dr Who fans as well as other sci-fl memorabilia. I haven't been in as I'm not a sci-fl fan but it is a popular tourist attraction apparently.
I got home about 3pm and attacked the patio some more before preparing the dinner. It's coming along but quite slow progress as the flags are heavy and the weeds are deeply rooted. I'm determined to have it finished this week!
BT rang just after 5pm with even worse news that now Open Reach need to put in another stage "of investigation" which would mean several more weeks to wait!! I offered to email the relevant paperwork that proves the work is already done and the line is already there but apparently that's not enough. I told them in no uncertain terms that quite frankly I had "had enough" and really couldn't talk to them anymore without completely losing my temper! I told him to ring back tomorrow when I had made a decision. My cousin had been into mum during the day, and it seems that we will be able to use a smartphone with a dedicated SIM card for data that she can link to her iPad for the Wi-fi she needs. She never wanted the telephone line anyway and this way will be much cheaper. Tomorrow I will take great pleasure in telling BT we do not require their services and will be following with a huge complaint to the appropriate body! Charlotte is going over to mum's on Friday to take a smartphone and I have ordered a SIM card. Hopefully she will be set up by the weekend. Fingers crossed all goes to plan!
Mum had a good day yesterday; communal lunch in the garden and lots of chat with people. The Carers are being really kind and helpful with a few things and she seemed so much more like her old self. It made my day to hear her so cheerful and upbeat.
Overall a very happy day!
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