In The Occupied Territory

By FinHall

The message

So today is Red Nose Day.
People will be full of silliness, dressing up, kids going to school in fancy dress, Arya-June is going as a pirate) and generally people pestering you in town with plastic buckets to drop your cash into.
What will I do?
Well I might get my Monty Python comedy songs c.d. down from the loft, if I remember.
But generally I will think, how much money could be raised if we, in this country, did not pay pornographic size bonuses to failed bankers, and to company CEO's who's companies make profits the size of some country's debts, whilst hiking up prices for the consumer, and paying their staff minimum wage.
If the British government cut back on overseas aid instead of cutting back the benefits paid to needy in our own country.
If millionaire members of parliament stopped telling us to tighten our belts whilst their chauffeur driven limos await to drive them to their second home, paid for by us.
I f, if, if...
Oops, sorry went off on one there.
Anyway, hope you get the Message..
Is this young lady texting her friend saying, " There is a raving lunatic in a taxi photographing me with a zoom lens." ?
Or is she saying, " What are you doing for Red Nose Day?"

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