
By RogMull

Giraffes on the move..

Driving along, you just never know what you are going to see. We didn't 't see a Zebra crossing, but we did see this group of Giraffes heading into the bush.

I was going to keep my animal shots for tomorrow when I plan to walk with Lions at a local sanctuary...if I can keep my camera still!....and later when we are seeking out some elephants. In actual fact, yesterday late afternoon on a game drive I got shots of a lone Bull Elephant, which came pretty close, and buffalo, Kudu, baboons, Giraffe, various types of antelope, and lots of birds. However, I was using a different data card that doesn't allow me to transfer pictures via eye-fi to my iPad. So, elephants will have to wait.

I was lucky therefore to have the data card Warren kindly loaned to me in my camera when we saw this group. A few snaps later and I have a Blip.

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