Dribs and Drabs of 2014

By RodgerEvans01

The passing of time...

Photography: Tips and Tricks, a FaceBook photo group, wants us to "capture a piece of our town" as the most recent assignment to push our photo-limits.

These are two icons in Kentville. The back ground is the clock and tower of the Cornwallis Inn. When rail was all the rage in Canada, Kentville was the place to live and do business. As such, CN/CP Rail built the Cornwallis Inn. The cessation of rail service in the Maritimes resulted in a very significant change to Kentville's community. The Cornwallis is no longer an Inn and is now low income housing, and the clock no longer ticks...

In the foreground is a clock that commemorates the town's 125th anniversary and was donated by the local rotary club. It is beautiful, but unfortunately surrounded by hydro/cable and telephone wires. Thus a clear shot is a challenge...

This is my "slice" of Kentville.

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