Another busy morning
A trip to the riding school for a manure top up .. not a soul around at 7.30am, so was ever so quiet. Then off to the plot with my flask of coffee. Got lots done, tidied 2 of the sheds. Potted up the Lychnis seedlings, virtually every pot had a hollyhock seedling as well so I ended up with 36 plants of each to grow on for the next sale. Popped some rose "Constant Gardener' cuttings in a pot, they might strike. The extra squash seeds are germinating :-). I weeded between the veggies, planted out the French marigolds at the ends of the runner bean poles. Home for lunch time.
Next tidy up the plant pots,tray, & surplus hanging baskets ready to transfer to the plot shed in the morning. Potted up 2 Tithonia seedlings. I remember a Thai friend growing this in her garden. The Bua Tong Blossom Festival in Mae Hong Son takes place every Autumn, the Bua Tong - Tithonia/Mexican sunflower covers acres and is quite a spectacle. The plant supposedly brought to Thailand by Christian missionaries. The Thais love their flowers and promote different regions throughout the year according to what is flowering. We visited Mae Hon Song many years ago, when it was just a quiet backwater, now I believe to be very commercialized.
Outdoor jobs completed, time to make a pasty pie for dinner.
Dianthus 'Pink Kisses' is looking really good at the mo :-)
Thanks to Ingeborg for hosting Abstract Thursday - Colourful
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