What might their future hold?

Last day of school for primary school kids along at Towerbank today. The celebrations were done when I walked along the Prom to the shops with just a few chalked messages on the Prom wall and some silly string on the ground. I saw these four looking over the Prom railing, dodgy the splashes from the waves against the Prom wall, and thought it was a good metaphor for moving on to secondary school. Going from being the oldest kids in school back to being the youngest again. I remember when I was going up to secondary school one of the apocryphal things the older siblings of friends warned you was getting your head flushed down the toilet by older kids. It was a vivid image of what awaited at the new school that summer but in the event come August I avoided such a fate and in fact never heard of it happening to anyone I knew. Perhaps just a rite of passage tale that gave slightly older kids a sense of worldliness among those following behind them. Or maybe I was just lucky. Not coming from one of the three main feeder primary schools I knew very few people in my year and above when I started high school so perhaps that helped in that I didn't belong to any of the three main groups.

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