
By BGCoffee

Squash But Not The Garden Variety

So following the exciting flying experience and trip to see son in Denver, things got busy here with BG leaders one on ones and Father’s Day - visits from sons and families, AC drain pipe issues and catching up on the audiobook. Also started playing Squash again - I took this after playing for 30 mins and trying to recover! ….And L and I have also started a metabolic reset that we did a few years ago in order to bring Covid weight gains under control but also tackles imbalances such as chronic de-hydration. So far in 3 days lost over 6 lbs so going well but a big adjustment in having 2 meals a day consisting of only protein and veggies (as many as you want) and a small amount of fruit. The saving grace is breakfast which the program encourages to drink as much black coffee as you want!

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