Its the Way It Is

By Jeano

Classic Roses

I have had a lovely morning.

A 7.30am swim in very choppy waters in Bray with a good bunch of people then home to prepare one of my tasty picnic lunches for 2.

I had arranged to meet a good friend from Balbriggen at the Rose Garden in St. Anne’s Park in Raheny. We sat on a bench and ate and chatted and the scent from the roses was heavenly.She figured in a very funny past blip and I will try to root it out and attach link (if I find it)

There is a market there on a Saturday and I would recommend a visit.

When I got home I wanted to look up some roses and reached for my copy of Classic Roses on top shelf of bookcase in sittingroom.

Well shock horror! The cobwebs were in abundance. And the dust! Not good.

My housekeeping skills are nonexistent (I am proud to say) but this afternoon I think I need to get my feather duster out and do some oldfashioned housework groan

On a lighter note, for my writer’s group, we are presenting cool but virtually unknown Irish women .. well today I present Lizzie Le Blonde born 26th June (today’s date) in 1860 in Greystones… google her. So interesting (and what a great name)

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