
Thank you all for your lovely comments, stars and heart's for my little wildling yesterday. 

I actually took the main photo the other day but I wanted it on blip to keep as a record of my wildlings all having fun together. 

My extra is a bad photo of me at my very first craft fair today. Town was so quiet. The other crafter's said it was the worst they have ever done . But for me and my lovely neighbour we had a great day. Fantastic experience and I made the cost of my table back and a little extra. Plus Xander made some pennies too with the sale of his cards'. 
Mr R had the Wildlings when I left this morning and then brought them into town to see me later on in the day. I have signed up to do another stall in September as July and August are busy for me . 
But it's been a lovely day chatting to people and actually meeting people in person that I've only had contact with online . I met three of the people who are part of the online art group that I'm on . 

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