
By seddon

Missing my munchkins

Ben left for work at 6.25 this morning... Thomas was up at 6.30 and Chloe at 6.35. This proved to be wayyy too early for both of them and they've been tired, grumpy and argumentative all morning. Thomas especially.. Taking over 2 hours to get dressed because, amongst other reasons, he was 'too scared to be in his room by himself' - his excuse after sitting in his room by himself playing on his guitar for half an hour!! Grrr.
By lunchtime I was so ready to take them to nannie and grandpa's house (where they're having a sleepover tonight as both me and Ben are working tomorrow)
Today is mums birthday... She and dad are in John o groats today and visiting a gin distillery. We had a video call after lunch to sing happy birthday and blow her some kisses.
I dropped Thomas and Chloe off mid afternoon, came home and immediately missed them. Yes they drive me crazy sometimes, but I wouldn't change them for the world!!
Hate not putting them to bed, and really hate knowing that I now won't get to snuggle them again until Monday :(

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