
By Cecile29

All gone in storage now.

May be i ll should try to do a proper jounal for a little while.
Completion is on Monday, i am very lucky, i have found a removal company for this Saturday, they were very lovely, and full of beans.
One of them played on the trampoline and fell off, so scary as of course his mates video him. The ambulance came round, he was fine, but they went to hospital when the job was finished. He didnt seem that good. But could walk. It could have been far far worse.
At work they have announced a restructuring on Thursday. People are so unsettled, not nice at all. My job is safe, but they have introduced a new position on top of me, so basically i am demoted. Or i need to apply to the job. Watch this space. I don’t want a new boss and having explain everything to him or her, waste my time for a few months, and have more work, because they are extending the responsabilty of my team.

And The girls are stuck at Oxford uni, nb 2 had arrived for an hour or two to spend time with nb 1 when she got a text from a mate saying, You need to isolate and get tested. Guess what she is positive with Lateral flow and feeling unwell. Waiting for results of the Pcr. It meant the last evening and day together in the house hasnt happened, they are stuck in Uni accomodation in the same room for 10 days. i ll go on Monday, after giving the keys to the estate agent to bring them food, laptops, spare clothes. Paracetamol and check on them. Just in case i wanted to relax Monday afternoon.
I have another paragraph,ill keep it short. I have sent the Church Tribunal papers, in the post. After keeping them for a week. I dont ww to hear anything about this one ever, apart from the verdict.
I think it was a full week. I am knackered.


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