In The Occupied Territory

By FinHall


Wildflowers growing up our garden wall.
The wall of an empty building.
The building, once, in a time long gone,
Was a tinsmiths. Abandoned to the past.
In the village, Ince so productive, where there were cobblers galore , toy shops, tailors, a butcher shop and both ends of the High Street, petrol stations, individual business in what was known as half houses.
Smaller houses adjoining a larger, but not large, house.
Lace making was prevalent, peat cutters too.
Now all gone.
Long time gone.

No bus on Saturday.
No bank, except when the van arrives,
The building, the wall, owned by another business, just gone out of business.
Selling up. Moving on.

Few local businesses remain, the village shop, leased out to a national concern.
At least the post office is open 365 days a year. Until 10pm. Most days.

A new tattoo parlour opened now in the site of the sweetie shop, whose owner past three years hence.
You’d see her standing at the door daily, chatting to passers by.

The bakery, famous throughout the North East, closed suddenly.
Now used as an antique storeroom.

No cafe here, so needed.
But still, like the wall, the village stand strong. Supporting itself throughout these times. A Community shop, where food is free and goods are donated by others. To be bought by others.
Like the wall, we stand tall.
This place, nigh 250 years on, will stay strong.

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